Public Lecture: "Dynamics of Sculpture in the Karangasem Region Across History"


Denpasar, 4 December 2024 – Archeology Study Program, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University, held a public lecture with the theme "Dynamics of Sculpture in the Karangasem Region Across History" and presented Mr. Drs. I Wayan Srijaya, M. Hum. as a speaker. This event took place in the Soekarno Room, Purbacaraka Building, FIB UNUD and was attended by the Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Arts, the Coordinator of the Archaeological Study Program, lecturers and archeology students from various classes. 

Public lecture moderated by Mr. I Kadek Sudana Wira, S.S., M.Sc. This dissects the main themes and contents of the latest book by Mr. Drs. I Wayan Srijaya, M.Hum., "Dynamics of Sculpture in the Karangasem Region Across History". This book discusses further the statues of Shiva, Durga, Ganesha, and the manifestation statues known as bhatara and bhatari statues in Bali.

The event, which lasted for approximately two and a half hours, became a forum for in-depth discussions regarding the historical development of sculpture, starting from the Ancient Balinese, Middle Balinese, to Modern Balinese periods. The audience was invited to listen to a brief discussion by Drs. I Wayan Srijaya, M. Hum. covers the iconographic characteristics of statues through books such as Manawa-griha which contains about Winayaka or which is used as another name for Lord Ganesha.

In connection with Drs. I Wayan Srijaya, M. Hum. who will retire in December 2024, the Coordinator of the Archaeological Study Program, Mrs. Zuraidah, S.S., M.Sc., in her speech expressed her appreciation and thanks for the service and loyalty given by Mr. Drs. I Wayan Srijaya, M. Hum. to the Archaeological Study Program. “I have high hopes for Drs. I Wayan Srijaya, M. Hum. to continue the process because retirement is not the end of the journey and hopefully we will always be given good health in the future." he said.

This public lecture is an important moment to appreciate the dedication of Drs. I Wayan Srijaya, M. Hum. while at the same time reinforcing the commitment of the entire academic community of the Archeology Study Program in preserving and developing Bali's cultural heritage. It is hoped that this public lecture can inspire archeology students and the entire academic community of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences to continue studying Balinese art and culture so that it remains relevant for future generations.