List of Students of the Archaeology Study Program FIB UNUD Graduated at the Graduation of the 161 & 162 Period

The Archeology Study Program, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University Graduated 13 students at the 161st & 162nd Period Graduation Ceremony. The graduation ceremony was held at the faculty level (29 August 2024) at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Prof. Building. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, FIB UNUD and university level (31 August 20204 and 1 September 2024), which was held at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus.

The following is a list of graduates of the Archeology Study Program in the 161st & 162nd graduation periods:

1.     Muhammad Darman Pratama, S.S. NIM 1701551001. Graduation predicate Satisfactory.

2.     Mochammad Ferrt Firmansyah, S.S. NIM 1801551024. Satisfactory Graduation Predicate.

3.     I Ptu Gede Wahyu Saputra, S.S. NIM 1801551039. Satisfactory Graduation Predicate.

4.     Juan Steven Susilo, S.S. NIM 1901551040. Graduation Predicate is Very Satisfactory.

5.     Yasmin Lana Amara, S.S. NIM 1901551042. Graduation Predicate is Very Satisfactory.

6.     Tiara Annisa Sulistiyanti, S.S. NIM 2001551006. Graduation Predicate with Honors.

7.     Muhammad Taqwa, S.S. NIM 2001551016. Predicate Approval With Commendation.

8.     Hanna Aanisah Juliant Puteri, S.S. NIM 2001551019. Graduation Predicate with Honors.

9.     Keren Hapuk Murike Ngefak, S.S. NIM 2001551022. Graduation Predicate with Honors.

10.  Ni Wayan Destiena Marella Apsari, S.S. NIM 2001551025. Graduation Predicate with Honors.

11.  Putu Luhita Aura Renzazany, S.S.  NIM 2001551032. Graduation Predicate with Honors.

12.  Jenifer Helen Yiwa, S.S. NIM 2001551042. Graduation Predicate with Honors.

13.  Andini Gracia Yomba, S.S. NIM 2001551044. Graduation Predicate with Honors.

Congratulations and thank you for the graduation of 13 graduates who have graduated with the title of Satisfactory and with Praise which is very encouraging for the Archeology Study Program. Hopefully the knowledge and experience that has been gained can become a strong foundation for moving on to a wider stage in life and hopefully this will be a motivation for other students to be able to graduate on time.