List of FIB UNUD Archeology Study Program Students Who Graduated in the 163rd & 164th Graduation Period
The Archeology Study Program, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University, graduated 13 students at the 163rd & 164th Period Graduation Ceremony. The graduation ceremony was held at the faculty level (24 October 2024) at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Prof. Building. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, FIB UNUD and university level (26 October 2024 and 27 October 2024), which was held at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus.
The following is a list of graduates of the Archeology Study Program in the 163rd & 164th graduation periods:
1. Irfani Maulana Syah Rozat, S.S. NIM 1701551026. Satisfactory Graduation Predicate.
2. Nur Sa'diyah Aini, S.S. NIM 1801551035. Satisfactory Graduation Predicate.
3. Vincentia Quirina Ngene Ngiso, S.S. NIM 1901551005. Graduation Predicate is Very Satisfactory.
4. Kadek Tashya Saraswati, S.S. NIM 1901551016. Predikat Kelulusan Sangat Memuaskan.
5. I Made Satwika Setyadnya, S.S. NIM 1901551037. Predicate of Satisfactory Approval.
6. Ahmad Rifqi Zidani, S.S. NIM 1901551039. Satisfactory Graduation Predicate
7. Januar Wildan Dwi Habibie, S.S. NIM 2001551001. Graduation Predicate with Honors.
8. Febronia Paur, S.S. NIM 2001551009. Graduation Predicate is Very Satisfactory.
9. Baiq Ayuningrat Herlina Putri, S.S. NIM 2001551011. Graduation Predicate with Honors.
10. Kadek Ari Sintya Dewi, S.S. NIM 2001551017. Graduation Predicate with Honors.
11. Khasan Firdaus Suyuti, S.S. NIM 2001551029. Graduation Predicate with Honors.
Congratulations and thank you for the graduation of 11 graduates who have graduated with the title of Satisfactory and with Commendations which is very encouraging for the Archeology Study Program. Hopefully the knowledge and experience that has been gained can become a strong foundation to move on to a wider stage in life and hopefully this will be a motivation for other students to be able to graduate on time.