Archeology Study Program Student Exploring Islamic Cultural Acculturation Through Headstones in Lombok in MBKM Riset Activities

In the 5th MBKM Batch, 4 students from the Archeology Study Program at Udayana University had the opportunity to take part in the MBKM Research program as a research team in the field of archaeological science on Lombok Island. This program lasts for 1 semester and aims to provide students with experience regarding research activities. The research team aims to collect new data that can enrich information in the field of archaeological science.

The title of this MBKM Research research is "Acculturation of Islamic Culture in Central Lombok Based on Typology and Variety of Headstone Decorations". The research activities involved 4 students and were accompanied by 2 lecturers. The Lombok Provincial Culture Service also assisted as a party who was more familiar with the object and research area. Before starting the activity, students are directed to read literature that is related to the research object as initial information before conducting research directly.

This research activity is a new experience for students in practicing knowledge from the material they have studied accompanied by expert lecturers and partners. Students can also get to know new cultures and areas on Lombok Island which is known as the 'island of a thousand mosques'. The research team was welcomed by partners and the community so that research activities ran smoothly from start to finish.

During the program, students conduct research by collecting data through interviews with people who have information about research data, observations of ancient tombstones, and studying literature related to the research title. The focus of this research is in the Central Lombok area by exploring the tombs of the descendants of the kings of the Pujut Kingdom as one of the ancient kingdoms. The data that has been found is the type of Tralaya tombstone, called that because the shape and decoration of the tombstone comes from the Tralaya tomb complex on the island of Java. Apart from that, a Bugis type of tombstone was also found, called that because the typology and decoration originate from the Bugis on Sulawesi Island. And the other type is the transitional tombstone type, called that because its typology and decoration comes from a mixture of the Tralaya and Bugis tombstone types. The final results of this research are research reports, videos about research activities, and journals for each student.