Archeology Study Program Student Contribute to the National Museum of Indonesia as Assistant Collection Collectors in the MSIB MBKM Program

In the 5th MBKM Batch, one of the Archeology Study Program students at Udayana University had the opportunity to take part in the MSIB program as Assistant Data Collector for the National Museum Collection, which is a certified internship program organized by the Directorate of Cultural Protection at the National Museum of Indonesia. The program runs from 14 August – 31 December 2023. This program requires students to create solutions to problems faced by Registrars and Curators in collecting data on museum collections and is a provision for students in preserving cultural heritage.

During the program, students are divided into 10 groups of 10 people, with 1 mentor and 1 assistant mentor who is an expert in the field of museum collection data collection. Mentors and assistant mentors supervise and are fully dedicated to the progress of data collection activities and students' academic development. Before starting collection data collection activities, briefings are provided by experts in their fields.

Students are provided with documentation and photography material for collection objects, collection description material, collection handling and storage material, systematic writing material, and collection data verification material. Group assignments and individual assignments are also given to create a resume based on the materials provided. The briefing activities took place online for 2 weeks.

During the internship program, data collection activities are carried out from Monday to Friday. In this data collection activity, each group member is assigned a task, there is writing an event report, there is a description of the collection, there is measurement of the collection, there is conservation of the collection, there is documentation of the collection, there is packaging of the collection, and there is literature. Towards the end of the internship program, students work onproject Transfer Rides and each group must produce 2output. Apart from that, students are also given an individual final assignment to write an article with a theme in the form of a collection that the students have recorded during the internship.