Archaeology Students Become Best Graduates at the 166th Graduation Ceremony

Thursday, 20 February 2025 — The Archaeology Study Program has made history again by winning the title of best graduate at undergraduate level by Andi Muh. Farhan Alfiansah, S.S. at the Graduation Ceremony of the 166th Faculty Level Prospective Graduates which was held at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Prof. Building. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, Nias Campus.

At this graduation, the Archaeology Study Program graduated 7 students. They are:

1. Ida Ayu Dian Suryani Dharmana, S.S., Class of 2018 student, length of study 6 years 5 months. GPA 3.67 (Satisfactory Predicate). Thesis title "Archaeological Remains at Ganter Temple, Siangan Village, Gianyar District, Gianyar Regency: Form, Function and Meaning".

2. Tesalonika Kristianti, S.S., Class of 2019 Student, 5 years and 5 months of study. GPA 3.78 (Satisfactory Predicate). Thesis title "Traditional Agricultural Technology in the Ancient Sundanese Period to the Present in Cengkuk Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java: An Ethnoarchaeological Study".

3. Ni Kadek Novera Litasaniadhari, S.S., Class of 2019 student, length of study 5 years 5 months. GPA 3.81 (Satisfactory Predicate). Thesis title "The Spatial Concept of Goa Gajah and Patirtan Pool Based on Traditional Balinese Architecture".

4. Arifan Oktaviansyah, S.S., Class of 2019 student, length of study 5 years 5 months. GPA 3.65 (Satisfactory Predicate). Thesis title "Zoning Study of the Grujugan Megalithic Cultural Heritage Area as a Means of Sustainable Conservation".

5. Andi Muh. Farhan Alfiansah, S.S., Class of 2020 student, length of study 4 years 4 months. GPA 3.92 (Very Satisfactory). Thesis title "Identification of Anatomical Remains of Individual R.BatCkt1 from the Cikuntul Site, Karawang, West Java".

6. Indah Wahyu Utami, S.S., Class of 2020 student, length of study 4 years 5 months. GPA 3.69 (Very Satisfactory). Thesis title "Function of the Mobile Embankment at Pendem Ngawi Fort".

7. Novia Desma Revi, S.S., Class of 2020 student, length of study 4 years 4 months. GPA 3.78 (Very Satisfactory). Thesis title "Biocultural Aspects of Human Teeth in Karawang, West Java".

For more information regarding the Release of the 166th Candidates for Graduates, you can access it via the following link: Pelepasan Calon Wisudawan Periode Ke - 166